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Heatherside Infant School

Heatherside Infant School


The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future”   Theodore Roosevelt

At Heatherside Infant School, we want our children to understand how things have changed in their own lifetime and beyond.  We want them to understand how key events and significant people from Britain and the wider world have shaped their lives today. We will provide our children with opportunities to inspire them to learn about the past, develop a chronological awareness, understand the similarities and differences between life in the past and now, discover information using different sources and correctly using subject-specific vocabulary.

Sequences of history lessons are planned to build on and develop the children's knowledge, understanding and skills through an enquiry-based approach. This enables our children to investigate the past using their enquiry skills; collecting information; asking questions; using different sources; evaluating what they have discovered and to understand the impact of this. Our curriculum is mapped to enable children to develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. They will start to know where the people and events they explore fit within a chronological framework and identify similarities and differences between ways of life at different times.