At Heatherside Infant School we believe that a high quality maths education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the power of mathematics and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. We want to develop children's confidence in maths and believe in using a range of methods; teaching specific skills and then giving the children opportunities to apply them through practical, purposeful activities from YR and throughout Key Stage 1.
The maths curriculum is divided into different areas called domains which are taught and revisited across the year, and built upon as the children progress through the school. This enables children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason matematcially and solve problems through the application of mathematics. Maths is taught through the mastery approach which is underpinned by the Five Big Ideas which are shown below.
Maths skills and concepts develop over time, and the Heatherside Maths Rockets show the steps of progress and expectations on a termly basis for Key Stage 1 (KS1).
The Hampshire Maths Department also provide guidance on the key mathematical evidence required for a child to be judged as working at expected levels (Age Releated Expectation - ARE), working at greater depth (above ARE) and working towards ARE.
How to support your child
It is important that children can solve problems and calculate with efficiency. The number fact cards can be printed and used to improve mental recall of basic addition and subtraction facts (print double sided, so that the answers are on the back). There are ideas for activities and games on the last page.
Once learnt, these facts can be applied to larger numbers too. Children in Year 1 are expected to learn and use these facts. It will take time and requires plenty of practice.
The ‘Supporting Your Child with Maths’ booklet gives guidance on how we teach the different domains of the Maths curriculum from Year R to Year 2. Here you can see how we use the empty number line to solve calculations and why learning number facts are so important within this process.
You can also download the White Rose Maths 1 minute maths app to further support your child to develop their mathematical fluency at home too.
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